Free resources on influencing

It’s Not Enough to be Right Webinar

As statisticians, we are logical thinkers and understand the numbers and facts. Yet, we can struggle to convince our study teams, governance boards or management to act accordingly. Influence and persuading others can be challenging, frustrating and draining.  Frequently, it’s simply not enough to be right!
In this free webinar, Gary and Alexander provide some insights into why “being right” can fall short of convincing others. 

Mastering the Art (and Science!) of Influential Communication for Statisticians Webinar

Learn about the challenges statisticians face when communicating and the three things you can do now to improve your communication.

Julia Carter’s lead magnet impactful influencing

In this episode we have our first non-statistician as a guest. Julia has built her own consulting and training company Zestfor. She and her team specialise in developing Training programmes and resources scientifically tailored for technical markets – including Pharmaceutical, IT, and Life. We have discussed why statisticians need to be more influential and which practices help statisticians to increase their influence.

How to be more innovative and drive change

Gary Sullivan and I will discuss the truths around innovation, provide some real examples, give you guidance on how to be more innovative, and provide strategies for implementing innovative ideas so they do not fail in the execution phase.


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Feeling overwhelmed? Learn the best tricks and the real big levers

We may sometimes feel overwhelmed by tasks and feel frustrated about going home in the evenings, feeling like you have not accomplished what you wanted.

Learn the key to get the right things done in the right way.


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