Getting to a good visualization

Visualization Episode 2

We all know how to specify a table and our processes support this. However, designing an awesome data visualization does not work this way. Our approach to table specification does not work?

In this second episode. I talk about how you can create a great visualization. Here are the following important tips I’m speaking about:

  • Importance of details
  • Co-creation with the audience
    • KOL engagment
    • Multiple review rounds
  • Testing and refinement
  • Start with pen and paper
  • Focus on the larger topics like which plot to use first and then fine-tune to a more detailed level taking care of
    • Use of colour
    • Title
    • Labels, legends
    • Alignment
    • Footnotes
    • Supporting text
  • For dashboards set up
    • Filter and sorting options
    • Arrangement of multiple displays
    • Highlighting options
    • Hover over options
    • Digging deeper options
  • Encouraging and giving feedback

Listen to this episode and share this with your friends and colleagues who might benefit from it!

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