How to play the game of business to build stronger, more innovative, and more inspiring organizations

Interview with Stuart McGuire

We often talk about “competing in the marketplace” – where do you think, this term is coming from?

Stuart and I talk about:

  • Simon Sinek’s latest book speaks about “the infinite game” – how does this apply to our industry?
  • How this helps our industry moving forward?
  • What behaviours in our work correspond to a finite game mindset and which limits us from achieving what we could achieve?
  • What can we do personally to adopt an infinite game mindset?

The Infinite Game
Rebel Ideas – The Power of Diverse Thinking

Stuart McGuire

Chief Business Officer

Stuart is responsible for leading the development of the business as it evolves its position as the pharmaceutical industry’s preferred statistics and programming CRO partner.

Stuart has over 20 years of Pharmaceutical experience having first started work in anti-malaria research which took him to Moshi, Tanzania. He then moved to the Clinical Research Organisation Chiltern (latterly Covance) where he took on Business Development, Leadership and Alliance Partnership roles delivering significant growth over 19 years. Stuart has a wide platform of relationships in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry, covering Europe, North America, and Japan.

Stuart holds a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Surrey (1999) and recently received his level III wine diploma from the Wines and Spirits Education Trust.

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