How to train non-statisticians effectively – 11 tips to succeed

Today we’re answering a question from the listeners. As nearly everybody will need to train non-statisticians sooner or later, this is a relevant topic. Unfortunately, lots of the trainings fall short and leave the audience confused and even bored.

This episode helps you to make your training engaging, interesting and useful. Such a training will help you to build your reputation as an expert as well as a great person to work with. It’s an awesome experience for non-statistician, if they have a light-bulb moment while being trained on statistics.

Listen to the episode and learn about these 11 tips to make your training successful:

  1. Start with a relevant example
  2. Collect questions upfront and track progress of answering them during the training
  3. Create regular meetings to engage people
  4. Interrupt your presentations with asking questions
  5. Use contrasts to show the impact
  6. Have a physician first introduce the example study
  7. Don’t shy away from speaking to very basic things like p-values
  8. Prefer white board over slides
  9. Use technology for your advantage in virtual settings
  10. Make pre-read easy
  11. Collect feedback

Please share this episodes with your colleagues for them to deliver better trainings as well.

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