Leadership – what it means, how we built it, how it will help us shape the future of statistics

Leadership is one of the most important aspects of any organization, and statistics is no exception. Good leadership can help a field grow and shape the future, while bad leadership can lead to stagnation or even ruin. In this episode, we discuss what leadership means for statisticians, how we develop our own leadership style, and how it helps us continue to move forward in our careers.

Join Alun Bedding and me while we answer these questions:

What made Alun decide to focus on leadership?
What are the advantages of practicing good leadership for statisticians?
How to be an effective leader and motivator?
How did Alun and I got equipped in training others to be effective leaders?

We also talk about the following interesting points:


  • Get formal learning about leadership and reflect on it
  • Get a professional coach to get proper guidance and feedback
  • You learn by being proactive and by practicing the 7 habits of highly effective people
  • Deeply know your WHY before you start leading your team (see the book by Simon Sinek)
  • Review the fundamentals of leadership from time to time
  • Own the mistakes of the team
  • Do not micromanage
  • Motivate others to be leaders too
  • Giving your full trust to your team plays a big role to their success
  • and more….

Alun Bedding

Global Head of Methods, Collaboration and Outreach at Roche

He has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years and has been a leader in the industry for 20 years.  He is a Chartered Statistician for the Royal Statistical Society and a Board of Directors Member for PSI.  He is also a member of the UK Medical Research Council Experimental Medicine funding panel.  He is also an accredited coach with the International Coaching Federation.
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