Multilevel Network Meta-Regression for population-adjusted treatment comparisons – Interview with Nicky Welton

Indirect comparisons provide evidence, when no direct clinical trials are available. However, the different approaches come with various limitations. Some more recent approaches take into account the baseline characteristics to reduce the bias in the estimates of the treatment effects.

In todays episode, I’m talking with one the worlds experts on this topic – Nicky Welton – who has published extensively in this field.

Starting from the basics of indirect comparisons we move into the most recent research in this area. These new approaches will help to  better understand treatment effects in specific populations of interest. Possible applications run from designing phase II or III studies up to re-imbursement dossiers and commercialization efforts.

About Professor Nicky J. Welton

Professor of Statistical and Health Economic Modelling, University of Bristol


Nicky graduated with a BSc in mathematics from Sheffield University, an MSc in Statistics from University College London, and a PhD in mathematical biology from the University of Bristol.

She is currently Professor of Statistical and Health Economic Modelling in the department of Population Health Sciences at the University of Bristol, where she leads the Multi-Parameter Evidence Synthesis research group, is Director of the departments Short Course Program, and Deputy Director of the Clinical Guidelines Technical Support Unit.

Her research interests include: methods for evidence synthesis in health technology assessment, network meta-analysis, extrapolating survival curves, bias adjustment in evidence synthesis, use of evidence in economic models, value of information analysis.


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