Recording available: Flatten the curve – learnings from COVID-19 visualizations to better explore and communicate your data


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Do you know what makes the famous Johns Hopkins COVID dashboard effective?

Do you want to learn how journalists effectively communicate COVID data?

Even the Johns Hopkins dashboard has some areas of improvement. Do you want to learn from these examples for your data visualizations?

We are threatened by COVID-19, but we united ourselves behind a common concept: flatten the curve.

This visualization influenced politicians, journalists, and everybody else. What can we as statisticians learn from this?

Since the start of the pandemic, the use of data visualizations exploded, and even complex visualizations made it into mainstream media. Still in the clinical research we stick often to tables and black and white graphics that look very different to the COVID-19 case studies.

The rise of data visualization and storytelling should not be a surprise to us as it is going on for some time and has especially increased in speed over the last decade with new and easy tools for data visualization becoming available. There is an increase in visualization presentations at biostatistical conferences and visualization working groups. 

The many data visualizations available today about COVID-19 present a great variety of examples for us to learn from the power of storytelling with data.

I will present in an upcoming free webinar, what makes a data visualization outstanding using case studies from COVID-19.

You will learn about:

  • Principles of data visualization, which you can use to improve the understanding and communication of your data.
  • Understand the tips and tricks as well as the pitfalls with different COVID dashboards.
  • How journalists effectively communicate data based on famous COVID visualizations.
  • What techniques are applied by famous newspapers for their visualizations.

Enhance your visualization skills and register for the upcoming free webinar.