Bonus Episode: Success starts in your head – thoughts about the mindset of a successful statistician

In this episode, we share out ideas and experiences, which mindset sets up statisticians for success.

We cover topics around:

  • Leading people
  • Convincing business partners
  • Delivering value and selling it – and what does selling means
  • Thinking outside the status quo to improve things in the long run 
  • Always learning about the business and the people in the business
  • Learning about statistical innovation
  • Doing things more effectively
  • Becoming more impactfully
  • Raising your business acumen – internally and externally
  • Having quality in mind 

Quote from the Episode by Bill Gates “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

Benjamin Piske

 He got interested in statistics during his studies of mathematics and economics at the University of Göttingen, where he attended courses of statistics at the department of medical statistics. Focusing on non-parametric statistics, he completed his MSc in 2003 and continued to work at the department until starting with a global full service CRO in April 2004. Currently he is working at Cytel as a Senior Director, Biostatistics, heading the team in North America.

He started as biostatistician in the phase IIIb/IV environment and worked on interventional and non-interventional late phase trials, commercialization work, publication / presentation support, registries and investigator-driven trials in several therapeutic areas – mainly oncology, haematology and neurology – using a broad range of statistical methods. During the later stages of his career, Benjamin also worked on phase II and phase III trials, as well as submissions.

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