The Data Project

Interview with Loris Marini

What is the data project?
Why are data management programs a strategic imperative?
Why do they fail?

Usually a data management project starts with a change of perspective in the organisation, especially from senior leaders. To make such a project happen, data leaders must be familiar with the principles of change management, learn to speak the language of business, and be excellent listeners to craft and communicate an interesting and realistic vision to release value from information.

Listen while Loris, a man who views data through a human lens, and I talk about the following points:

  • What do you understand by Data Management Programs?
  • What is their value?
  • What does it take for them to be implemented?
  • Where do organizations fail?

Loris Marini

He has been passionate about information and data for over 15 years – and he’s on a mission to help organisations establish a trusted data layer, and use it to protect grow and improve their most important relationships at scale. Loris is an advocate for data literacy and the strategic importance of data management.

After a bachelor and master in Information Engineering, Loris joined the research team at DLR in satellite systems in Munich, then worked to apply reinforcement learning to NP-hard optimisation problems, and then earned a PhD in physics for his research in Quantum Photonics.

Back in the “real world” he first joined a Martech startup as a data scientist and then contributed as a data architect/engineer for Scaleup in logistics. Along the way, he experienced first hand the “data science hype” and the disconnect between expectation and reality in the data space. 

To bridge this gap, Loris started The Data Project, a conversational podcast to address the non-technical challenges in data and information management, learn from the experts, and establish a framework to reason about information in a business context.

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