What is TransCelerate and how it will impact your work tremendously

  • Do you know that TransCelerate does for statisticians?
  • Do you write study protocols, analysis plans and programming specifications as individual documents noting, that there’s lots of redundancy?
  • Do you wonder, if there’s a more efficient was in-line with what regulators want?

Pepa Polavieja will provide you with answers to all these questions in this episode.

About Pepa Polavieja

Pepa Polavieja is a biostatistician with 22 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, working across early and late stage and many therapeutic areas, performing varying roles. In the last 15 years, Pepa has been working for Lilly, having different roles in the Global Statistics and Sciences organization. She was a group leader for the European group neurosciences team, driving the statistical activities around launch preparation, most recently she is in a global role as a consultant in quality operations, leading the implementation of improvement initiatives for the Biometrics organization.

In the last year, she has led the TransCelerate workstream focused on developing a Common Statistical Analysis Plan template, highly connected with the Common Protocol Template.

Outside work Pepa enjoys her big family of four kids, travelling around the world, cooking, reading, going to see live bands and, of course, dancing with their music.

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