What statisticians can learn from “The Art of Action”

Interview with Stephen Bungay

Stephen is a really interesting person. He is the author of The Art of Action and has a background in consulting and history. Based on this knowledge, he wrote a couple of books about history and leadership.

In terms of leadership, there’s an area that overlooked usually from the business. However, business can learn a lot from this area. I’m talking about the military space as armies were the biggest organizations needing strong leadership for thousands of years.

In this episode, you will take a lot of learnings for your everyday life. Specifically, we also discuss the following:

  • How did the Romans and French organize their military?
  • What can we learn from the military’s way?
  • How to give support and boundaries the right way?
  • How to take action?
  • How to achieve good results?

About Stephen Bungay

He teaches managers about strategy and leadership and consults to a wide range of organisations which include some of the world’s leading companies. He is a member of the London-based Ashridge Strategic Management Centre. The foundation of his practice is some years of consulting experience, almost two thirds of which were spent at Boston Consulting Group, but he has a broad set of interests. He studied modern languages at Oxford, has a doctorate in philosophy, and is also a respected military historian. What makes him unique is the way in which he brings history and business together.

He has written this book entitled “The Art of Action”.

Listen to this episode to learn more and share this with your friends and colleagues.

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