What you need to know before you try to increase productivity

Do you often find your workday spiraling out of control?
Do you want to be more productive than you yesterday?
Do you want to know how to improve your skill set and work performance?
Do you start each day with a plan, but soon become distracted and procrastinating?

You are not alone. Sometimes, it’s easier to wait for someone else to tell you what things you should work on rather than to assess yourself.

Focusing on continually improving your skill set will boost your confidence and help you become the best version of yourself.

In today’s episode, Benjamin and I discuss what you need to know to increase productivity:

  • Basics of productivity: what you do, how you do it
  • Set goals: yearly, quarterly, weekly, daily
  • Set SMARTER goals (see here for the article about Michael Hyatts goal setting system)
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Actionable
    • Risky
    • Time-keyed
    • Exciting
    • Relevant
  • Develop a habit of daily checking your goals
    • Why
    • How
    • When
  • Habit vs achievement goals
  • Your personal vs your work goals
  • The value of accountability
  • The value of rewarding yourself

Listen to this episode to be an effective statistician!


Living forward book by Michael Hyatt

The One Thing book

References to paper calendars:

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