Why should statisticians care about leadership and developing their leadership skills? Interview with Gary Sullivan

We’re launching a new leadership course next year and in this episode, we go into some key questions about statisticians and leadership.

We cover the following topics:

  • What is a good definition for leadership?
  • Why should technical statisticians worry about developing leadership skills?
  • What happens, if you have limitations in the leadership skills?
  • What should the mindset of a statistical leader be?
  • When should statisticians start thinking about developing their leadership skills?

About Gary Sullivan

I worked in and around the field of statistical science in both technical (13 years) and management roles (15 years) for Eli Lilly and Company, a major pharmaceutical manufacturer in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Couple this experience with my leadership study – almost 10 years creating, implementing and instructing leadership programs. The result is a perspective from all sides: the employee, the manager and the leadership expert.

This allows me to understand what will be helpful and insightful to any person or group seeking to improve their leadership.

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