Working long hours – is it worth it?

Interview with Ian Ratcliffe – IQVIA

Are you working long hours?
How do you manage your time?
Do you know how to say no?
How do you manage expectations?

We want to achieve our goals and be productive at the same time, i.e. we want to accomplish a lot of things during the day. But is it really effective to work long hours?

In today’s episode, Ian and I discuss working long hours – it’s advantages and disadvantages. We talk about these important points:

  • Having clear boundaries at work
  • How to say NO
  • How to effectively manage your time and expectations

About Ian Ratcliffe

Ian has been a statistician since 2012, having a variety of experience in
post-marketing studies, a clinical trial unit, and a CRO. Ian has spent
the last four years at IQVIA collaborating with several pharmaceutical
companies. Additionally, Ian has contributed to IQVIA’s emerging talent
group line managing a team of statisticians and programmers.
Ian is also a member of the PSI CALC committee, being part of the team
that organises the PSI Medical Statistics Careers Event.
Working in different types of company, Ian has seen different
approaches to the topic of working hours. The one constant throughout his
career has been managing working hours appropriately and value
work-life balance. Ian believes in a time-effective approach to working
hours and this is passed on to his direct reports and project teams.

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