Being a supervisor – things you would love to have known before you became one … or that you should know if you want to become one

Interview with Simon Cleall

Becoming a supervisor changes things dramatically at work for you. It did for me and Simon helped me by openly providing deep insights into his years of a supervisor – especially his failures and dramatic moments.

In this episode, Simon shares his ups and downs for you to learn from. Leading statisticians of course has many commonalties with any other administrative leadership position. However, it also includes some specific problems.

  • If you are a new or aspiring supervisors, you will learn about the specific challenges and how to overcome or avoid them.
  • If statisticians already report to you, you will get confidence and some tips on doing things differently.
  • If you report to a new supervisors, you may better understand the situation your new boss is in.

Some further resources for managing people, which helped me a lot, are:

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2 thoughts on “Being a supervisor – things you would love to have known before you became one … or that you should know if you want to become one”

  1. Sally Hollis

    I highly recommend “The Effective Manager” book by Mark Horstman for advice on supervision. It is evidence based, with the data coming from evaluation of techniques for the supervision of technical staff so very suitable for statisticians!

  2. alexanderhschacht

    Completely agree! I’m listening to the manager tools podcast for years!

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