Impact of AI on Clinical Development

Interview with Karim Malki

With so many recent advances in AI, it is important for statisticians to both keep up to date with the most recent methods and getting involved in guiding their application to the most pressing statistical challenges.

In today’s episode, Karim and I cover cutting edge examples of how data science and statistical sciences are intersecting. Learn from this episode why different approaches matter when looking at clinical development data.

Karim shares about his career, his roles, and different approaches and methods. We also discuss the following points:

  • Machine learning
  • AI
  • Predictive analytics
  • Data science
  • Different statistical methods and limitations
  • Different tools and applications
  • Statistical innovation

Listen to this episode, learn from it, and share it with others!

Karim Malki

Senior Director, Head of Biomarkers and Predictive Analytics at UCB

Institute of Psychiatry
De Crespigny Park
London, United Kingdom

Department: MRC Centre for Social Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry

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