Just being brilliant at stats doesn’t bring you far

Today, I am talking about a topic that is very close to my heart. I want us, statisticians, to have an impact. I truly believe that if we make better decisions in our day-to-day jobs in our companies and organizations, then we can truly have a much bigger impact on the overall success of these organizations.

Being brilliant at stats is important, but it is not the only thing one must be good at. In this episode, I talk about my good and bad experiences and discuss what we can learn from them. I also discuss the following points:

What you must do if you are:

  • Not being understood 
  • Working on irrelevant things 
  • Getting into big arguments and losing them
  • Not being able to appropriately pushing back
  • Getting a bad reputation 
  • Getting a bad rating 
  • Becoming frustrated and unmotivated

The solution for many of these topics is becoming a better leader – not as a supervisor but as a leader without a title. So in summary, balance your investment into methodological skills with developing your leadership skills.

Listen to this episode now and share this with your friends and colleagues!

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