My personal leadership principles

Why do you need personal leadership principles?
How can you refine and reflect them?
What kind of leader do you want to be?
Is it possible to be a leader even without a title?

I will talk about personal leadership today and this is not being a leader by position, but by principle.

I will be talking about these interesting points:

Why personal leadership principles are important?

  • Reflect on who you want to be
  • Remind you to hold yourself accountable
  • Help you focus on your learning
  • Be aware of the flip sides of these

My personal leadership principles:

  • Exerting a bias toward action and taking calculated risks (entrepreneurship, performance)
  • Striving for sustainability and balancing family and work (care and performance)
  • Building trust and listening first (integrity and accountability) and then be accountable and demand accountability 
  • Always consider delegation first
  • Continuously learn and innovate
  • Embodying a positive attitude

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